* @class Represents a Discord Message
* @prop {Array} attachments An array of message attachments
* @prop {Object?} author The message author
* @prop {Object} channel The channel the message was sent in
* @prop {String} content The content of the message
* @prop {Number?} createdTimestamp The time the message was created in ms
* @prop {Number?} editedTimestamp The time the message was edited in ms
* @prop {Array} embeds An array of message embeds
* @prop {Snowflake} id The id of the message
* @prop {Object?} member The user in member form
* @prop {Boolean} mentionedEveryone Whether the content has the `@everyone` ping or `@here`
* @prop {Array} roleMentions An array of role mentions
* @prop {Array} mentions An array of user mentions
* @prop {Boolean} pinned Whether the message is pinned
* @prop {Boolean} tts Whether the message is tts (text-to-speach)
* @prop {Number} type The type of the message
class Message {
constructor(client, data) {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: client });
this.activity = data.activity || null;
this.application = data.application || null;
this.attachments = data.attachments;
this.author = this.client.users.has(data.author.id) ? this.client.users.get(data.author.id) : this.client.users.set(data.author.id, data.author);
this.channel = this.client.channels.get(data.channel_id) || this.client.emit('ERROR', new Error('Message Created but no Channel Received!'));
this.content = data.content;
this.createdTimestamp = new Date(data.timestamp).getTime();
this.editedTimestamp = new Date(data.edited_timestamp).getTime() || null;
this.embeds = data.embeds;
this.id = data.id;
this.mentionedEveryone = data.mention_everyone;
this.mentions = data.mentions.map(user => {
return this.client.users.get(user.id);
Object.defineProperty(this, '_mentionRoles', { value: data.mention_roles });
this.pinned = data.pinned;
this.tts = data.tts;
this.type = data.type;
get channelMentions() {
var channels = [];
const regex = /<#(\d+)>/g;
let result;
while ((result = regex.exec(this.content)) !== null) {
return channels;
get member() {
return this.channel.guild ? this.channel.guild.members.get(this.author.id) : null;
get roleMentions() {
return this.channel.guild ? this._mentionRoles.map(role => {
return this.channel.guild.roles.get(role);
}) : [];
module.exports = Message;