

Represents a Discord Message


new Message()

Name Type Attributes Description
attachments Array

An array of message attachments

author Object <nullable>

The message author

channel Object

The channel the message was sent in

content String

The content of the message

createdTimestamp Number <nullable>

The time the message was created in ms

editedTimestamp Number <nullable>

The time the message was edited in ms

embeds Array

An array of message embeds

id Snowflake

The id of the message

member Object <nullable>

The user in member form

mentionedEveryone Boolean

Whether the content has the @everyone ping or @here

roleMentions Array

An array of role mentions

mentions Array

An array of user mentions

pinned Boolean

Whether the message is pinned

tts Boolean

Whether the message is tts (text-to-speach)

type Number

The type of the message