Jcord is an easy to use Discord API Library, Maintained by KevvyCodes
Jcord can be used on any operating system that uses NodeJS.
Installing Jcord is pretty easy, and there are two Major versions you can install.
Warning: Install Jcord's Master Version can be very buggy, but the benefit from this is it's being updated frequently. We only update the stable version for minor bug fixes and once a version of Master is done.
If you are willing to install the Master version of Jcord, simply type this into your cmd/terminal: $ npm install --save discord-jcord/jcord
If you are willing to install the Latest version of Jcord Stable, simply type this into your cmd/terminal: $ npm install --save jcord
JCord has two kinds of Usage, which are the Classic and the Command Creator.
If you want to build a flexible bot, i suggest you use the Classic Jcord, while if you're planning to build a bot with simplicity and not that complex, use the Command Creator
Classic Usage
// Require the Jcord package
const Jcord = require('jcord');
// Extend the Jcord#Client class to add properties the right way
class MyBot extends Jcord.Client {
constructor(options) {
this.token = 'Your bot\'s token';
// Now, make a constant variable for you extended Client
const client = new MyBot({ shardCount: 'auto' }); // You can still use Jcord#Client options here
Listen for the SHARD_READY event.
The SHARD_READY event is emitted
once a Shard's status becomes ready.
client.on('SHARD_READY', (shard) => console.log(`Shard ${shard.id} is now ready!`));
Listen for the READY event.
The READY event is emitted
once all Shard are connected
to Discord
client.on('READY', () => console.log(`Ready! All shards connected. Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`));
Listen for the MESSAGE_CREATE event.
The MESSAGE_CREATE event is emitted
once a message is seen by the bot
client.on('MESSAGE_CREATE', (msg) => {
if (msg.channel.type === 'dm') { // If we talk to the bot in dms, it will execute everything inside the brackets
if (msg.content === '!ping') {
msg.channel.createMessage(`Pong! Shard 0 took ${client.shards.get('0').latency}ms`)
} else {
// If the channel type is not dm, execute every code in here
if (msg.content === '!ping') {
msg.channel.createMessage(`Pong! Shard ${msg.channel.guild.shard.id} took ${msg.channel.guild.shard.latency}ms`)
Command Creator Usage
// Require the Jcord package
const Jcord = require('jcord');
// Extend the Jcord#CommandCreator class to add properties the right way
class MyBot extends Jcord.CommandCreator {
constructor(options) {
this.token = 'Your bot\'s token';
// Now, make a constant variable for you extended Client
const client = new MyBot({ shardCount: 'auto', defaultPrefix: '!' }); // You can still use Jcord#Client options here
Listen for the SHARD_READY event.
The SHARD_READY event is emitted
once a Shard's status becomes ready.
client.on('SHARD_READY', (shard) => console.log(`Shard ${shard.id} is now ready!`));
Listen for the READY event.
The READY event is emitted
once all Shard are connected
to Discord
client.on('READY', () => console.log(`Ready! All shards connected. Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`));
// We can Register a Command to the cache using CommandCreator#registerCommand
client.registerCommand('ping', 'pong!');
Approved Suggestions
MoordMachineYT#1910: Just helped me on some stuff, giving credit
[x] Whomity ( Discord: Whomity#0001 ) | Suggested the Command Creator and the Args Handler
[x] Xignotix ( Discord: Xignotic#0001 ) | Suggested Custom Logging Design
Want your own Feature added? Join our Discord Chat And suggest today!
To-do List
- [x] Internal Sharding
- [x] Disconnection Handling
- [x] Make code readable
- [x] Seperate events in multiple files
- [ ] Update
- [ ] Rate limit handler
- [ ] Voice Support soon
Thanks to the people of Plexi Development and Tabby Deveopment for supporting this Project! Make sure to join their servers.